International Literacy Day 2014

The value that technology brings to learning

Today, Monday the 8th of September 2014 is International Literacy Day. To mark the occasion and the National Adult Literacy Network (NALA) conference taking place in DCU “The value that technology brings to learning” we have created some free resources outlining the range of technologies available to support literacy, organisation and productivity.

These resources are primarily aimed at educators and those who support people with literacy difficulties in second level and higher and adult education.

The first module, Literacy Supports outlines the features available in literacy support applications and when they might be useful. We also cover some hardware and a range of free to use web apps that might benefit some users.

The second module, Productivity and Organisation  outlines a range of tools to help users keep organised, manage tasks and projects and be more productive. We think there are tools in here that will help everyone.

The Software Guide will suggest applications to assist in literacy, productivity and organisation based on the technology you use.

Finally for content creators we have a guide on how to create accessible content based on the Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This is a PowerPoint presentation and can be downloaded here.

We welcome feedback of these resources and hope you find them useful. Feel free to pass them on or embed them as you see fit.

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