Learn new skills during Covid-19 pandemic
Learning new work skills and strengthening those you already have are important for your career success. It will increase your self-confidence and can even be fun. So set aside time to build on the skills you have. First, decide on the skills you want to learn or strengthen. Then plan on how to follow through. There are now thousands of courses and webinars freely available online in many different areas including assistive technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. Check out some of these exciting sites below.
https://www.ablenetinc.com/resources/live_webinars have some webinars scheduled over the coming weeks, but also have access to a large bank of recorded webinars at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnqbFTy0VIQ6fVxXY2HiOJw/videos
https://abilitynet.org.uk/free-resources/webinars Abilitynet are planning weekly webinars (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) over the next month of live online events to help share useful information for disabled people and their carers and employers.
https://www.ahead.ie/conference2020 have moved their conference online, with a series of webinars over the next 10 weeks. They also have an archive of past webinars https://www.ahead.ie/Digital-Accessibility-Webinar-Series
Gain INSIGHTS into the Mind of Someone LIVING WITH AUTISM, Exclusive Once-off Webinar with Dr. Temple Grandin
Call Scotland
also have scheduled and archived webinars available https://www.callscotland.org.uk/professional-learning/webinars/
Closing the Gap
Closing The Gap provides assistive technology (AT) resources to professionals, parents and people with disabilities.
Perkins learning
Perkins School for the Blind has been a leader in the field of blindness education has some prerecorded webinars https://www.perkinselearning.org/videos/webinar/assistive-technology
have an extensive list of archived webinars – https://www.pacer.org/webinars/archive-listing.asp
Online learning sites
Udemy released the Udemy Free Resource Center, a collection of more than 150 free Udemy courses to help students adapt to working from home, search for a job, maintain balance, and more.
The Open University offers courses at all levels.
OpenLearn gives you free access to learning materials from The Open University.
Future Learn
Courses from a range of topics; from Science &
Technology to Arts & Humanities, from Body & Mind to Business &
Class Central
Class Central is a free online course aka MOOC aggregator
from top universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc. offered via Coursera,
Udacity,edX, NovoED, & others
P2PU is a learning community that runs on the web. They run
courses and organize webinars.
Online courses that are built in partnership with technology
leaders and are relevant to industry needs. Upon completing a Udacity course,
you’ll receive a verified completion certificate recognized by industry
The course comprises ten modules. Each module is designed to
consist of five learning hours, including a one-hour live webinar
EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the
world’s best universities. Online courses from MITx, HarvardX, BerkeleyX, UTx
and many other universities. Topics include biology, business, chemistry,
computer science, economics, finance, electronics, engineering, food and
nutrition, history, humanities, law, literature, math, medicine, music,
philosophy, physics, science, statistics and more.
MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare makes the materials used in the teaching
of almost all of MIT’s subjects available on the Web, free of charge. With more
than 2,200 courses available
Coursera is an education platform that partners with top
universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to
take, for free.