The 2014 Enable Ireland/Dublin Institute of Technology Community Design Challenge, sponsored by Leckey, takes place in Enable Ireland Sandymount on Friday, May 23rd. This year, six AT Users are collaborating with students from DIT Product Design and Nursing students from Trinity College Dublin to identify product design solutions to address the barriers they experience in their daily lives.
Participants have been working in 5 teams since their first meeting in March, and after the finals on May 23rd, a winning product design concept will be chosen. Leckey will award the winning team with a prize of €500 and the winning AT user with €200.
Students from Indiana’s Purdue University will be joining the CDC this year as observers, with a view to participating fully from next year.
Our goal is to create practical solutions to address the real needs of individuals with diabilities, increasing experiences of independence in their daily lives. We welcome participants from any college/university so if you or your college/colleagues are interested in finding out more, or participating in next year’s challenge, please get in touch.