We often get asked for cause and effect apps requiring gross motor skills i.e. hit anywhere on screen, rather than on just a specific location. Below is a list of apps that either uses the whole screen as an activation area, or a large section of the screen, giving a high success rate.
These are free unless marked with asterix (*).
- Peekaboo barn/ocean
- Finger Piano ( or any Piano apps – there’s a funny Burp and fart piano!)
- Make Shrek roar
- Sensory iMeba/Magma/Electra
- Finger paint with sounds
- Five sharks swimming *
- Five little Rock stars *
- Five Aliens *
- Five speckled frogs *
- Big Bang Pictures/Patterns *
- Splodge
- Pocket Pond/Koi pond/fluid
- Fluidity
- Draw with stars
- Hidden Grid *
- Little gems Visual Scene
- Cause and effect Sensory Light Box/sound box *
- Fireworks123/I love fireworks
- Colorful Rotating Bear
- Random Touch *
- iBlower range of apps i.e. snowflakes, butterflies, leaves, clouds etc. *
- Heat pad
- Sights and Sounds range i.e. cars, popcorn, ants *
- KaleidoBalls free
- Sensory just touch
- Ratatap drums/bongos/congas/timpani etc.
Have you come across any others not on this list? Please let us know in the comment section below.