Until now, people with significant physical disabilities could only operate an iPad or iPhone by switch control. With AMAneo BTi it is possible for the first time to operate an iPad or iPhone directly with any mouse or assistive mouse including a trackball, joystick, head mouse or thumb mouse, and even a wheelchair joystick. The AMAneo BTi also has some very useful built-in features such as tremor filter, dwell click and 2 jack plugs for external switches.
Simply connect the AMAneo BTi to your iPad or iPhone via Bluetooth and the pointer will automatically appear on your device’s screen, with no additional App required. This allows the user to navigate around the screen and interact with a mouse to connect with friends, browse the internet, and play games.
For more information about the AMAneo BTi https://csslabs.de/amaneo-bti
Supplier Inclusive Technology.
The good: operate an iPad or iPhone directly with any mouse or assistive mouse.
The not so good: Can’t connect Bluetooth mouse directly to device.
The verdict: This is a long awaited feature for Apple devices that now give a new user experience for people with significant physical disabilities.