Girl siting at a desk with a laptop

We’re delighted to share with you details of both FREE and PAID webinars and AT resources which we hope will be of interest.  Please share as you feel appropriate. 

Access and Inclusion Through Technology:  A round up of news from the world of assistive technology.  Read, Share, Debate, and Act!  SEE HERE


Ahead logo, creating inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities

Updates on inclusive education and employment from AHEAD HERE

UK based webinars


NB:  Webinars listed below are UK based so some of the regulations around education/employment may differ to Ireland but the information could still be useful….

Thursday 27 May 14:00 to 16:00

Improving access for HE students who are deaf or have a hearing loss

Tuesday 22 to Friday 25 June 2021 (various times)

Lost in Transition? Supporting young people with vision impairment for post school transitions

Virtual International Dyslexia Conference

Virtual International Dyslexia Conference – REBEL VOICES (PAID) 9-10 September 2021.  Watch & listen to dyslexia experts share their knowledge on a wide range of themes:- 



Abilitynet logo

FREE WEBINAR:  Technology and dementia: a creative approach

25th May @ 1 p.m.  Dementia is caused by diseases that affect the brain and can be more common in later life. It can affect memory, concentration, language, and visual perception.  In this workshop, you’ll hear from people who are using technology in creative ways to support people living with dementia.  Further information/registration HERE

AT Therapy

AT Therapy logo

AT Therapy’s next FREE webinar:  ‘MyAbility: Developing Self-worth and Identity in Young People’  Thursday 20th May.  Further information/registration HERE

Claro Writing Helper

Claro Writing Helper

FREE WEBINAR to learn more about Claro Writing Helper and how this software can support students in essay writing.  Further information/registration HERE

Foundations in AT Course 2021:

Clipart of graduate holding a certificate

Enable Ireland’s Certified Foundations in Assistive Technology is a 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) course accredited by Technological University Dublin, through the College of Engineering and Built Environment. The course is delivered via 11 webinars on the Microsoft Teams platform and Moodle.

We’re delighted to announce that we’re now enrolling for the Foundations in AT Course 2021 which commences on 7th September.  For further information/enrolment please see HERE

Survey on AT and Sport Engagement

Maynooth University’s ALL Institute is undertaking a survey to learn more about how every-day assistive technologies (notably those on the APL) facilitate engagement in sport. This 15 min Survey is titled GATE‘s Priority Assistive Products and their impact on AT-user’s Participation in & Engagement with Sport. By anonymously answering this survey you are contributing to important research surrounding AT & Sports.  The survey will be open until Wednesday, May 19th 2021.  TAKE SURVEY HERE

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